The ROM emulator is a kind of the debuggers to connect to the ROM socket of the target system. Typical ROM emulators supplied from manufactures have many functions, such as step execution, tracing, source level debugging, and so on. This ROM emulator improves the easiness to build/use it by reducing down its function which can be used as a ROM emurator.
The kind of the ROM types to be emulated, are 2764, 27128 and 27256. The debugging capability is only Load and Run, omit functions such as trace or step execution. It will still sufficient because Load and Run is used mainly even if using an ICE.
No power requiment. Operating power is supplied from the target system. However, the data on the buffer memoly is not held when the target power is down. Therefore, the data must be sent again after power is up.
Use a PC to control the ROM emurator via a parallel port instead of an interface board to attach it to the various PCs easily.
Build the ROM emulator as small as possible. Let's try a limit of the miniaturization this time, the card size is a goal.
Because a goal is card size, all the parts to be used are surface mount devices. All parts are mounted on the settlement side of the proto-board of 50mils pitch.
First, after the position of the ICs is decided, wire in the order of the power line and the signal line. It is good when TA(0.5mm dia) is used for the power lines and UEW(0.2mm dia) is used for the signal lines.
Wire signal lines as route between the IC's. The wire is connected with pre-soldering because it cannot be wound to the lead of the ICs. Be careful because it becomes the end and has difficulty if it isn't wired with thinking about the wire density.
When wiring is finished and operation is confirmed, cover the circuit board with thin plastic board. The part inside dashedline of the circuit diagram could be built within the size of 69mm x 47mm x 5mm as a result of the try to the miniaturization. The goal was decided to be attained with ease because it was card size.
The power lines that signal returns, of the connection cable from the ROM emurator to ROM plug, are only two. You had better shorten it as much as possible.
There was no special part in the junk box, I used only standard logics. When you couldn't obtain SOP ICs, DIP ICs can be used. I recomment to use DIP ICs instead of SOP ICs.
I think that to obtain high-speed SRAM is easy because it is on the market for the cache memory. If you couldn't get it, a substitution is possible even with an ordinary SRAM. But emuration speed, such as access time, will decrease.
The cost of parts was as much as $40.
EROM.COM is a control program to use the ROM emurator attached on the LPT1. The archive is including also source files. Its usage is as follws:
Stop the target system and transfer the program code. >erom <rom type> <hex file> Start the target system (release the reset) >erom g Stop the target system (reset)
>erom r <rom type> is 64, 128 or 256 (ROM type to be emurated)
<hex file> is a data file in intel hex format.